We are extremely busy learners in FS2 learning and developing a range of skills through a balance of practical, play based experiences and adult led/directed activities. We are growing in independence as well as enhancing our social and emotional skills. Together we are laying some very strong foundations for our future!
The staff working in Reception are:
Mrs Cannell, Mrs Shaw, Mrs Russell, Mrs Faulconbridge and Miss Hudson.
Here is some information about FS2 along with some ideas about how you can support us in our learning:
Please send your child to school prepared for the day. Each day we will need school uniform (please see the school’s uniform policy), a coat, and their book bag with their reading book.
We are learning to look after our own belongings in reception, all items of uniform and clothes (this includes coats, hats, scarves and wellies) must be labelled with your child’s name so they e can have their things returned should they go astray!
In Reception we are starting out on our journey of love and friendship with the Lord. We are learning to follow in his footsteps and know that each of us though very special and unique, have been made in the Lord’s image and likeness.
To support us in our growing relationship with the Lord, we follow the Come and See Programme, alongside all other schools in our Diocese. We will bring home a newsletter each term about the topics we will be covering – you can help us by looking at what we are going to be doing and talking to us about it. In addition, if you have any photos, artefacts or information that may help us with our learning and could send them in we would be very grateful.
Alongside our RE lessons we have daily acts of worships. Our parents and friends of the school are welcomed to our special liturgies, please look out for invitation in our school newsletter. We would love you to join us at these special times.
Each Tuesday afternoon, we enjoy an indoor PE session. This promotes Physical Development in a structured way.
Our PE kit should come in with us at the start of the half term and will be returned at the end of the half term. Like with school uniform our PE kit must be named.
Reading and Phonics:
As well as literacy activities, we have a daily phonics session which follows the Read, Write, Inc phonics (you can find more information on this on our website). Each day we learn a new phoneme/grapheme or a tricky word and then apply this in our reading and writing.
Each week the children are given a reading book to read at home. We are asked to read at least 4 times a week at home with an adult/ older sibling and this needs to be recorded in their reading diaries. Reading at home will help with embed the children’s growing phonic knowledge, as well as promoting our comprehension of a text and reading fluency.
Alongside the children’s reading book we also get a school library book. The library book is for the children to share as a family – we are not expecting the children to read this book but for them to develop a love of reading by sharing it with a grown up at home.
We give the children homework to support their continued learning and also give you an insight into what we are learning in school. We have one piece of homework a week either: Writing, Number, Shape or RE based.
Our homework is set on a Friday and is due back in on a Wednesday.
If for any reason you are struggling to complete homework please speak to one of our team– they will do all they can to help you.
Contacting Staff:
Our staff are always available if you need to speak to them. Here are a number of ways you can contact us.
– You can write a note in our reading diaries.
-Call the office to leave us a message.
– If it’s a brief chat you’d like, they will try their best to speak to you at the reception class door, but please bare in mind staff maybe busy working with the children when the children arrive and safely dismissing them at the end of the day.
– If you think you need a longer chat please speak to the school office and they’ll arrange a time for a meeting for you.
Thank you for your continued love and support – we can achieve all we wish when together we work as a team.