Uniform, Meals, Milk and Monies

Children at St. Patrick’s are proud to wear their uniform and treat it with care. School uniform instils a sense of belonging and community pride and ensures equality amongst pupils. We maintain a strict uniform policy and ask that parents/carers support all aspects of the school uniform policy, ensure their child is always in the correct full school uniform and mark all items of clothing and footwear with their child’s name.

Key items of school and PE uniform can be purchased online at either:

Kit Out https://kitoutclothing.co.uk/  enquiries can be made by telephone 07725656857 or email harry@kitoutclothing.co.uk

S&A Uniforms www.sauniforms.co.uk enquiries can be made by telephone 07970875671 or email s-auniforms@ntlworld.com


Grey school style trousers

St Patrick’s School sweatshirt and green polo shirt both with school logo

Plain black shoes, not trainers, and grey socks


Grey knee length, school style skirt, pinafore or grey school style trousers

St Patrick’s School sweatshirt or cardigan and green polo shirt both with school logo

Plain black flat shoes please, not trainers, high heeled or fashion shoes as they can prove dangerous

White socks or grey or bottle green tights

In summer girls may wear a green and white checked school dress with their cardigan/sweatshirt

All pupils will need plain dark coat no logos please and a St Patrick’s School logo book bag

PE Uniform:

All pupils need a St Patrick’s School logo white T Shirt, bottle green shorts and school bottle green hoodie and joggers from the school supplier and trainers.

PE uniform can be worn to school on days when children have PE lessons: Monday for Key Stage 1 and EYFS pupils, Wednesday for Key Stage 2 classes.

Key stage 2 classes take part in swimming lessons in the spring & summer terms.

Girls will need a full swimsuit, not bikini and boys will need swimming trunks, all pupils will need a towel.

Goggles are discouraged by the pool we use.

Hair styles:

All pupils’ hair styles must be neat, tidy and not be in pupil’s eyes.

Tram lines, shaved patterns, closely shaved styles, coloured hair or coloured hair extensions which are not the pupils’ natural hair colour and fashion styles are not allowed.

All pupils with shoulder length hair must have it tied back for health and safety reasons with a plain black or green band or school logoed hair tie. Hair clips and hair bands must be discrete, functional not excessive and green, brown, black, gold or silver in colour. Hair gel is a cosmetic product and therefore not allowed


To ensure a safe environment for all in school no jewellery is allowed at any time and pupils will be asked to remove them if they are worn in school. This also includes religious jewellery such as crucifixes. If pupils have their ears pierced in term time, parents will need to cover the studs with plasters each day before coming to school until they can be removed.

The wearing of make up or nail varnish is unnecessary and not allowed.

St Patricks Lunch Menu Autumn Term 2024

Free School Meals Application Information

Food Allergies and Snacks                                                               

We are a Healthy School and educate our pupils in developing and continuing healthy lifestyles. We protect and support all pupils with allergies and food intolerances and ask that pupils do not bring any nuts and nut-based products into school as they may cause harm to others.

Fresh fruit is provided daily for all pupils in the Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 and pupils are provided with free fresh milk to drink with this up to the age of 5 years.

After their 5th birthday, if you wish your child to continue to receive milk at snack times, you can pay and register online at www.coolmilk.com.

All pupils are encouraged to drink water throughout the school day. Pupils in Key Stage 2 classes may bring a healthy snack such as fruit for break times; crisps, biscuits, sweets, cakes and sugary snacks are not allowed please. However, we are happy for pupils to bring sweets to share with their class to celebrate their birthday should they wish to. We want our pupils to grow and develop a health-conscious mind set but know a balance is necessary to achieve this.

School Meals   

Healthy and delicious school meals are prepared on site and we use lunchtimes as a teaching opportunity to help our pupils to use good table manners, take part in polite conversation and make healthy food choices. At the start of each school day pupils choose from a variety of options including: a hot meal, vegetarian options, jacket potatoes or sandwiches with a variety of fillings, salad and pasta.

School meals are provided free of charge for all pupils in reception and Key Stage 1 (years 1 and 2). We make every effort to meet requirements for health, religious and any other valid reasons with the meals provided so pupils always have a choice to meet their needs.

There is a charge for school meals for pupils in Key Stage 2 (years 3, 4, 5 and 6) and Foundation Stage 1 (Nursery) however, families may be entitled to ‘Free School Meals’ please use the QR code in this link to apply Free school meals application form. The admin team will support you with more information on this by request.

To support parents, we do not charge for lunchtime care for full time pupils in the nursery however they will need to bring a light packed lunch please.

Packed Lunches

Parents may prefer to provide their child with a packed lunch from home. In line with the government guidelines for healthy eating in schools, please ensure the contents are a balance of healthy options that does not include crisps, chocolate or sweets.

Fresh drinking water is provided for all pupils at lunchtime but if pupils bring a packed lunch and parents choose to include their own drink please ensure it is not in a glass bottle or can, is sugar free and not a fizzy drink.

All pupils eat together regardless of their choice so they can mix with friends in a relaxed environment and enjoy a healthy and pleasant dining experience.