At St Patricks we are proud of the work we undertake to support local, national and international charitable projects. All of us (pupils, parents and staff alike) engage with the call to love our neighbour and give support to the needy. Jesus reminds us that the least we do for his brothers and sisters, we do to Him.
For most of our charitable events the children are at the heart of the decision making. Our chaplaincy team and school councillors work together to think of fundraising ideas and charities we can support. Here are some activities we have undertaken, which help us encounter Christ through charitable work.
Some of our staff members will be taking part in the Robin Hood Marathon on Sunday 24th September. Our school captains have taken this opportunity to raise funds for the earthquake appeal in Morocco. Please donate if you can or show your support at the finish line for Miss Ferrara, Mr King and Mrs Cannell!
Building Hope in Bunkpurgu: Over the last 5 years we, along with several other schools in our Academy trust, we have been seeking to raise money to support the building of a school in a remote part of Africa. We have held several fundraising events including discos, dress as you like days, cake sales, raffles and quizzes. Check out the following link to see how the building of the new school is going
The Local Food Bank: During the month of October all pupils and staff were encouraged to bring in items for our local food bank. We celebrated the offerings during our Foundation Stage Harvest festival. In total we collected over 30 bags full of food for the needy in our local area.
Emmanuel House: During Advent we collected toiletries and bottles for Emmanuel house. Children and staff brought in items to offer to Emmanuel House, helping us remember the important message of giving as well as receiving at Christmas