
Welcome to Nursery’s class page!

Here you will find some key information to support you and your child at Nursery, however, please do not hesitate to come and speak to us! We are always happy to help!

The adults who work in the nursery classroom are: Miss Magee, Mrs Shaw, Mrs Foote and Miss Hudson.

Our Nursery aims to support and nurture every child through the Catholic faith whilst providing them with exciting activities to support their learning through our indoor and outdoor provision. We strive to develop the children’s skills in every aspect of the EYFS Framework so that they Love, Live and Learn in our care.

Session Times

Part-time children:  8:45am -11:45am

Full-time children: 8:45am – 3:15pm

All children are to be brought to the Nursery entrance at 8:45am. If your child is part-time, they are to be collected from the main school entrance at 11:45am. Full-time children are to collected at 3:15pm at the Nursery door.


Here at St Patrick’s, we are proud that every child wears our school uniform. It builds community and inclusion from the very start. It also ensures equality and protects their own clothing. In Nursery, please encourage your child with independence in self-dressing. Our school uniform which comprises of a green school polo shirt, grey trousers, black shoes and a green school cardigan/jumper when it is cooler. Please ensure all of the children’s items of clothing are labelled with their names. This includes their coats, hats, scarves etc as this makes it much easier to get them back to you if they get misplaced.

We access outdoor learning everyday – whatever the British weather throws at us! Please ensure your children always has a coat and weather appropriate clothing with them. We ask parents to bring a pair of wellies to keep in school as part of our outdoor learning and gardening activities.

Please ensure your children has at least one set of spare clothes in a separate bag which will be left at school. This ensures the children have a change of clothing should they have a toileting accident or were to forget to put on an apron during water activities. This spare set of clothing does not need to be school uniform.

Snack and Lunch

All children sit together to enjoy a healthy snack (a piece of fruit or vegetable) provided by school and milk or water. Water is available throughout the session additionally. If you would like to bring in a water bottle, please clearly label it with your child’s name and leave it on our snack table each morning.

Full-time children will need to bring a simple packed lunch. Packed lunches are expected to conform to the Department for Education’s healthy requirements (i.e. no crisps, sweets or chocolate).

Book Bags

Your child needs to have a St Patrick’s book bag which is brought to Nursery every day. We have 1:1 reading sessions and grouped reading sessions with the children. They will need to keep their library book and reading book in their book bags ready to be swapped. Your child will also use this to bring home any important newsletters.



Homework is handed out every Friday in their homework books and is due to be returned on Wednesdays. Please support your child to complete the homework themselves but your support and encouragement would be greatly appreciated.

Proud Cloud

We are always keen to hear about your child’s achievements at home. Please write the details on the cloud labels provided to you and send it to school with your child so that we can share and celebrate their achievement.

30 hour funding

If your child is part-time and your circumstances change so that you become eligible for 30 hours childcare, you will be able to increase your child’s hours with us dependent on you obtaining a validated eligibility code. Please talk to a member of staff if this is the case.

Please note, we can only accept 30 hours funded children for full-time nursery in the term after they become eligible. The 30 hours coe must be seen by our office staff before they can begin.

If you are getting 30 hours funded childcare, don’t forget that you will need to reconfirm your eligibility every three months through the Childcare Choices website. It is your responsibility to do this. If you don’t reconfirm, you will lose the 30 hours and revert to the standard entitlement of 15 hours.

Useful Websites to support children’s learning at home

Cbeebies radio –

Numberblocks –

Alphablocks –