
St Patrick’s School Radio

Welcome to St Patrick’s School radio, hosted by your Year 6 digital leaders. Tune in to hear us chat and discuss different topics, like Mission Monday and Funny Friday. We’ll be asking teachers for amazing writing to showcase as well.

Inspired by Oscar Romero, we are God’s microphone and will share our insights on God’s teachings and the wonderful ways we put our faith into action in school

Radio Highlights

Some talented Year 5’s share their take on Wonderful Walking

Our fabulous Year 6’s share their Ted Talks

Mike and Isaac visited the St Patrick’s Radio Station to update us on the recent games with the St Patrick’s Football team

Some talented Year 5’s share their take on Wonderful Walking

Our fabulous Year 6’s share their Ted Talks

Mike and Isaac visited the St Patrick’s Radio Station to update us on the recent games with the St Patrick’s Football team