Science Intent Document

This document shows the Core Knowledge, Wider Knowledge and Skills each year group cover.

Core knowledge is the key knowledge that builds year upon year to build strong scientific development. The wider knowledge builds our children’s cultural capital and understanding of the world and the skills allow children to develop transferable skills to apply across different contexts alongside their newly acquired knowledge.

Science Policy

Please read our science policy for more information about what science looks like at Saint Patrick’s.

Science Progression Document

Please read our science progression document which demonstrates how children build on prior knowledge to acquire new knowledge in science. An updated version with the new EYFS curriculum is in progress.

What you can do to develop science at home

Visit Green’s Mill and Science Centre – Sneinton – It’s Free!

Why not watch some scientific programmes e.g. Frozen Planet, Blue Planet, Maddie’s Do you know?

Or visit one of these websites:

etflix and CBBC).

Special Scientific Events in School

  • Science club ran during Lent 2 for selected Year 5 and 6 children who have a passion for science, with a focus on developing hands-on, practical skills and reasoning in science.
  • British Science week:
  • Whole school investigations linked to the theme of British Science week ‘Our diverse planet’ – which material would keep us warm in the Antarctica?’
  • Fighting stereotypes in Science. Whole school pre-assessment ‘what does a scientist look like?’ Linked to science intent and whole school intent of raising aspirations.
  • Daily assemblies with guest speakers from a range of ages, gender and ethnicities.